About Me

About Me

Hi, and welcome to my website, my name is Kathy Henderson and I am the sole owner and operator of Adirondack Geckos.

 I have known since I was a small child that the love of all creatures was burned into my heart.  I took keeping pet Leopard Geckos to another level 10 years ago, incorporating 5-star projects from the very best bloodlines.  I have studied, researched and had many experiences/ trial and errors, and have become 100% confidence in my projects and collections thru the years.

I work two jobs at the moment and just can't wait to get home so I can devote myself to my hobby of loving and raising Leopard Gecko's.  My breeding is kept to a minimum so every gecko can have the respect, attention and love they deserve. I know each personality of each gecko here, their traits, foods they like and dislike, if they are social with other Leo's, or if they like to be handled.

I can't put into words the love and compassion I feel for these wonderful and interesting animals.  So join me and let's enjoy them together.

And they are sooooo addicting!


Kathy †